The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 was Curtis’s first book. What happens in these chapters? Dad has a different outlook on the trip and Momma’s book is shot down as he drives through Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee all in day one of the trip rather than the planned three days. In the middle is Kenny, the protagonist, who is ten. Byron takes this arrangement as a sign that the Watsons are on welfare, even though they are not, and complains. Kenny is a star student, while Byron has apparently flunked two grades. The square fingered and toed Wool Pooh nearly took him under but “Byron, the angel” came through to rescue him from the water. The Watsons Go... Book Summary: Characters While set against historical events of the 1960s - namely the 1963 bombing of of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham - the characters in The Watsons Go to Birmingham are fictional. Kennedy, Patrick ed. Gravity. Spell. Because of her obsession with fighting off the frigid air, Kenny and Joey had to suffer on their trips back and forth to school wearing several layers of clothing that was a pain to change in and out of once they got there and when it was time to leave. It seems the Alabama dirt has already broken By down and he’s yes ma’am-ing and no ma’am-ing with the best of ‘em before they are in the house good. It is the dead of winter in Flint, Michigan, and the Watson family is braving the cold as well as they can. The Watsons' close family bonds will undoubtedly prove to be an essential element of this story as it moves along. Kenny finds himself more confused by his brothers teasing, meanness, and sensitivity. Rufus and Cody: country transplants from Arkansas, new to Clark Elementary. By tries to sway them to go down to the public swimming pool in the opposite direction but to no avail. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Vanity can be harmful to your health and Byron learns that the hard way. She insists that Birmingham is a good place, not only because it is warm. Kenny goes out to sit with him and asks if Byron really has to go to Alabama. Momma, who was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, which is a mere hundred and fifty miles from Atlanta, exclaims, “I knew I should have listened to Moses Henderson!” Moses is an old boyfriend whom Momma gave up to marry Dad, and she jokingly says that she was “a young girl who made a bad choice.” Dad, … Chapter 2 sets up Clark Elementary School as a microcosm of the society outside. English. 0000002262 00000 n The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 224 pages and is available in Paperback format. Soon By discovers Kenny behind the couch and then everyone starts to treat him special. They have to wear scarves and gloves even inside their house, and going outside is nearly unbearable. The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 is a historical-fiction novel by Christopher Paul Curtis.First published in 1995, it was reprinted in 1997. By the time the Brown Bomber lands in Alabama Dad has a beard of his own. Buphead: fellow delinquent and friend of Byron’s. The children realize something is up with their parents but they aren’t exactly sure of what it is. As they head back to I-75 to coast along some more, Dad asks everyone to let their fingers run through the air as the car moves along the highway. Kenny and Joetta have never met Grandma Sands and all three get teary-eyed at the sight of each other. Rather than giving them money, she tells them to sign for the food; the Watsons will then pay the grocer, Mr. Mitchell, on the next payday. Edit. Never kiss a frozen mirror with moist lips. Everyone scatters to find Joey as the news comes in that her church had just been bombed, only Kenny couldn’t move. Watsons go to birmingham chapter summaries. Christopher Paul Curtis. Kenny still can’t figure out what is up with him. It tells the story of a loving African-American family living in the town of Flint, Michigan, in 1963.When the oldest son (Byron) begins to get into a bit of trouble, the parents decide he should spend the summer and possibly the next school year with Grandma Sands in … Dad finds the situation hysterical, but Momma is worried, and when she is worried she begins to speak with a Southern accent. I think this is in chapter 7. The night before the trip Momma and Dad get wind of a plan of By’s to make a run for it to avoid Alabama. He is Kenny's only real friend, and Kenny sometimes gives him … The story centres on the Watsons, an African-American family living in Flint, Michigan in 1963 and is narrated by ten-year-old Kenny Watson. In 18 long hours, the Watsons make it to Birmingham. Write. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Kenny calls the family the Weird Watsons. Momma is absolutely livid when she admonishes him and informs him that Dad will see to his demise after work. All choices and decisions are made in order to minimize being bullied and maximize one's reputation in the eyes of all the other students; teacher's pets (a group that includes the unwilling Kenny) are frowned upon. If only she had married Hambone Henderson back home in Alabama, well that’s dad’s name for him at least; too bad all of his warnings about igloo living were not enough to keep her in the Jim Crow South. "The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 Chapters 1 & 2 Summary and Analysis". In a few minutes, however, Kenny realizes that Byron frozen his lips to the side view mirror after kissing his reflection. Chapter 9, The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Summary On Sunday, Kenny gets up early and sees Dad listening to music in the Brown Bomber. The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 - Chapter 13, I Meet Winnie's Evil Twin Brother, the Wool Pooh Summary & Analysis. The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis Lesson Plans by Elizabeth Pedro The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 is a humorous, yet emotional and powerful novel about an African American family who travels to Birmingham, Alabama during the time of segregation. Mr. Robert: Grandma Sands’ dearest friend after Grandpa passed away. Clark is all about the social ladder; Kenny is at the bottom, but is occasionally awarded privileges because his brother Byron is at the top. Learn how Kenny helps his friend Rufus make it through his first Michigan winter in chapter 4 of the novel ''The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963''. The Watsons are a black family living at the peak of the Civil Rights Era in the 1960s, a time of great conflict over the segregation policies enacted against African Americans. Study Guide for The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963. Though readers do not know all the details of their marriage, it is clear that Wilona must love Daniel a lot, since she made the decision to leave her life in Birmingham behind and move up to the cold North to be with him. Kenny is ambushed by Swedish crèmes thrown at him by Byron in the alley behind the store. The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 is an easy enough read that you could whiz through it in an afternoon. With the recent, bad events happening down there between whites and blacks, Dad states that it is still quieter down there than it is in Flint and that’s best for By right now. Assign HW. Kenny is determined for some country-time, Fantastic Adventure and shucks the warning. In chapter one of The Watsons Go to Birmingham, we have learned about the Watson family which is made up of Mom, Dad, Joey, Byron and Kenny, who is the narrator. The Watsons Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis, begins with an introduction to the Watson family in Flint, Michigan, during a particularly cold winter. If you were to give a title to this section of the book, what would it be? Later on Kenny returns to the scene and finds that By had buried the bird and given it a little funeral. After a good shaving of By’s head, Dad gets on the phone to Alabama. The real god of the school, though, is Byron; he is in the sixth grade still, because he flunked a grade at least once. While the family is watching the weather forecast on TV, Momma (Wilona) gets upset about the cold and the subject of Moses Henderson comes up. However, there is a lot of depth to the content that can provide you with insight into the historical time. That didn’t stop him because a little later Kenny hears him playing with them in the bathroom. Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub Education. DRAFT. The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Summary The Weird Watsons live in Flint, Michigan where the kids all go to Clark Elementary. Dad disagrees, and refers to the "Coloreds Only" bathrooms and other instances of segregation. Byron: (By) Kenny’s older brother who often takes on the title of head teaser and bully. Having Byron as a big brother does not exempt Kenny from bullying, but it does spare him from some of the worst evils that Larry Dunn could pull. 2 hours ago. He is so happy he can relinquish the title of easiest target for teasing that he calls the poor souls his saviors from God. The Weird Watsons and Their Supporting Cast: Kenneth: (Kenny) a 10-year old smart kid often picked on by his peers for his intelligence and his pesky lazy eye. It doesn’t take long for Kenny to realize how badly he messed up with Rufus. chapter 1. Save . At this point, the Watsons seem very much like a normal family; however, it is important to consider the time period in which they live. The book opens with Kenny and his family trying to make it through an extremely bitter cold day in … Everyone busts their guts laughing at Dad’s reenactments and embellishments, except Byron who has to play too cool for school. During dinner, Momma sends the two boys to get a few things to finish preparation. He is worried about what will happen if Byron ever does get out of sixth grade and move to junior high school, at least before Kenny catches up. After the two new kids sit down next to him, Kenny realizes that he himself will not be mocked while these boys are present; he thinks of them as his "saver" from God. By fills him on how he saved Joey and tells him how brave he was for doing what he and the grown-ups couldn’t do that day and that there were no magic powers or a Wool Pooh. After a talk with Momma, things started to brighten up and The World’s Greatest Dinosaur War Ever was on again. Wilona makes Byron take off the hat to reveal a handkerchief, and she makes him take that off, too, and is appalled to find that Byron has gone and gotten a hideous hairdo. Comedy ensues for the start of the trip as Dad cuts up southern style once again and Byron goes back on his promise to hurt Momma and Dad real good with the good ole silent treatment. wendyfletcher_41674. A jar of Vaseline is what Momma uses to help re-grow the skin on Byron’s lips after that accident with those lips and the driver’s side mirror in sub-zero temperatures. When Kenny tries to revel in Byron’s victory of killing the bird, Byron lashes out at Kenny. In the first two chapters, Kenny begins to tell his story in a series of vignettes, or small accounts of events that fit together like a puzzle. Kenneth, his older, juvenile delinquent brother Byron, his sweet, younger sister Joetta (called Joey), and his parents, Daniel and Wilona Watson, huddle on the couch attempting to keep warm. There are three Watson children: the eldest is Byron, who is thirteen and is basically a juvenile delinquent, convinced that he is too "cool" for everything. The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 Study Guide contains a comprehensive summary and analysis of The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis. This novel is primarily about a family, the Watsons, so even though this story is told from Kenny's perspective, the other members of his family are just as important to the narrative as he is. Flashcards. Find out what happens in our Chapter 7 summary for The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis. By gets a conk (harsh version of a chemical hair relaxer) put in his hair against his parents’ wishes. To take the edge off the icy exterior that has formed about Momma’s attitude, Dad retells how he ended up with her instead of that Hambone. Byron comes into the house wearing a hat one afternoon, and Kenny and Wilona sense that something is up. 0. Joetta: (Joey) Kenny’s little sister. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis. He thought that Kenny's name was Poindexter. The second issue is Kenny's lazy eye. The Watsons Go to Birmingham Summary. Summary Chapter 7 Byron comes into the house wearing a hat one afternoon, and Kenny and Wilona sense that something is up. With the crisis solved, the family heads to Aunt Cydney's house. In the North, the Watsons are mostly untouched by this hatred; however, Daniel briefly reminds Wilona that in the South, in Birmingham, discrimination is still alive and real. That night the Watsons Head back to Flint with Momma and Dad worried sick about Kenny. As his emotions get the best of him seeing the bird die at his hands, he throws up the stolen snacks he was munching before the murder. By and Buphead are to the rescue! a. Wilona: (Momma) the mother of the 3 siblings and the wife of Daniel. Kenny finds relief from Larry Dunn, one of his many bullies, when two new country kids from Down South board the bus one morning. Byron has a habit of playing with matches, and Wilona repeatedly threatens to do "what she always said she would" if he keeps it up. Momma and Dad sign up for a charge account for groceries with Mr. Mitchell. The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis/Amy Griffin. The parents' relationship is set up clearly, too. Summary & Analysis. The discussion ends, and the Watsons start up their old car (which they call the Brown Bomber) so that they can travel to their Aunt Cydney's house and spend the night in a warmer place. Although Kenny finally finds a true friend in Rufus, he ends up doing something to hurt Rufus’ feelings one day on the bus. Summary; The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 is a YA historical fiction novel by American writer Christopher Paul Curtis, published in 1995. The Watsons try to pour hot water to melt the ice, but this measure just makes Byron's problem worse. He is already on the straight and narrow. 0% average accuracy. Byron had begun this behavior this the previous night, teaming up with Buphead, his partner in crime. Like most traditional narratives, The Watsons Go to Birmingham features a first chapter that serves as an introduction to the main characters. Kenny is by turns fearful of and enthralled by his older brother Byron, or By, who sometimes bullies Kenny and sometimes treats him kindly, but always has adventures that draw Kenny’s admiration. To Kenny’s chagrin, By is having a jolly good time down south and is eating up every story told to him. Through hysteria, he sees a familiar being. Edit. Like most traditional narratives, The Watsons Go to Birmingham features a first chapter that serves as an introduction to the main characters. While they are back there, Byron shoots one of the cookies at a bird and kills it. All Rights Reserved. By Christopher Paul Curtis. Larry Dunn and the other kids on the bus start making fun of them, but the bus driver comes between the kids Kenny knows and the new arrivals. Find out what happens in our Chapter 1 summary for The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis. GradeSaver, 11 October 2015 Web. The community sprints to the wreckage to find their children. STUDY. They also had Kenny spin around and try to keep his balance before pushing him into a snow bank. About The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 Summary, Read the Study Guide for The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963…, Marxist Criticism of The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963, View Wikipedia Entries for The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963…. The first problem they encounter is it’s cold and their heater isn’t working. Indeed, Kenny knows that if it were not for Byron he would get teased a lot more. Early Sunday morning, a week before the trip to Birmingham, Kenny and Dad sit and have a talk out in the car as they listen to records. Momma tries to force Kenny to interact with his siblings and Rufus and Cody but things are different now. (When he was in second grade, a teacher once had him read passages of Langston Hughes's work to Byron's fifth grade class.) Wool Pooh is at the church and the sight of his faceless form stirs Kenny from his dreamland. The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis is the story about a family from Flint, Michigan told through son Kenny’s eyes. The Watsons Go to Birmingham (TV Movie 2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. That's what happens to Kenny Watson in Chapter 3 of The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963. He thinks about the worst times, when Byron and Buphead skip school and Kenny has to take the bus alone. Services, The Watsons Go to Birmingham: Summary, Characters & Theme, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Eventually, Momma distracts Byron and just yanks him off. Byron is immediately set up as Kenny's "foil," a character who has exact opposite traits that accentuate certain characteristics of the protagonist. Kenny shares with readers that his brother has given him a some good advice on cutting down on the bullying and teasing. When the Brown Bomber cannot be moved from the snow, Dad sends Kenny and By to dig it out. Kenny is the only one to approach the bombed building. The Watsons go to Birmingham C11-12 DRAFT. They swung Kenny around and threw him in the air, simulating high blizzard winds. She falls victim to Byron’s pranks as well but mostly because she is the youngest and isn’t aware of his trickery. Kenny refuses to fall for this trick again and ignores Byron, continuing to scrape ice off the car. What his parents don’t realize is that Kenny’s disappearances and when he reappears occur before and after he visits the World-Famous Watson Pet Hospital to recoup and heal through their magic powers after the disturbing images he saw that day in Birmingham. After dazzling the family with the Brown Bomber’s new record player, Dad breaks the news to By that he’s going Down South for the summer and potentially the next school year. Byron would say "Give my regards to Clark, Poindexter," and then walk away; this action was a cue for the other kids to make fun of Kenny. Her hometown is Birmingham and she truly hates the cold Michigan weather. Momma is disgusted by the cold, as usual, and Dad does everything he can to avoid setting her off into usual tirade of how she ended up there in the first place. Kenny is careful, caring, and cautious, while Byron makes impulsive decisions and cares more about being cool than about being a good brother. PLAY. Byron shows his rarely seen human side. With Byron as devilish as he is and just having pulled a mean prank on Kenny with fellow delinquent Buphead, Kenny immediately puts his guards up. all of the chapters of The Watsons go to Birmingham in just in short summaries. At the beginning of this chapter, the Watsons have already been back in Flint for several weeks. Captivate Your Language Arts Students With "Esperanza Rising:" A List of Vocabulary Questions, "The Sisters Grimm" Word List & Student Activity for Middle School. Naturally, she does not approve of the cold. When the church bomb goes off, she avoids it because of Kenny’s love and protection of her. When Momma catches him she tries her best to make good on her promise but little Joey won’t let it happen. Momma threatens By with burning his fingers if she catches him playing with matches again. Christopher Paul Curtis . 0% average accuracy. The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 - Chapter 8, The Ultra-Glide! Copyright © 1999 - 2021 GradeSaver LLC. Watsons go to birmingham chapter summaries. Momma, who was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, which is a mere hundred and fifty miles from Atlanta, exclaims, "I knew I should have listened … Momma keeps the round-trip itinerary. Each one of them seemed to have lost their charm. Chapter Summary Chapters 1 - 2 Name:_____ Date:_____ 1. Played 0 times. Dad (Daniel) is quite the storyteller, so he explains to the children that they came really close to having a clown named "Hambone" Henderson for a father; this man was allegedly a former beau of Momma's. Dad explains to Kenny that Byron is being sent Down South to get a good understanding of how the world works outside of his current world. The boys go outside to scrape ice off the car windows, and Byron begins to mess with Kenny, telling his younger brother that he is going to teach him how to survive a blizzard. The Watsons go to Birmingham - 1963 ~ Chapter 1 1. On the way home as he glides past what seems like throngs of people in the streets, Kenny makes his way back to Grandma’s house where Wool Pooh teases him with Joey’s shiny, shiny black shoe. This section contains 337 words (approx. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Report an issue; Host a game. Eventually they decide to leave their cold house and move the huddling over to Aunt Cydney’s house. He likens the sensation to running your fingers through God’s beard. After the conversation is over with Grandma Sands, the kids think things have blown over until a week later when Dad shows up with a spanking, new record player, called the Ultra-Glide, for the Brown Bomber. Terms in this set (15) chapter 1. This Study Guide consists of approximately 39 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The … Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 study guide. Grandma Sands: the mother of Momma and grandmother of the Watsons. The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 study guide contains a biography of Christopher Paul Curtis, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Joey is worried too, and compares Byron's situation to the story of Narcissus (she calls him Nar-sissy) who stared at himself for so long he forgot to eat and starved to death. This novel is primarily about a family, the Watsons, so even though this story is told from Kenny's perspective, the other members of his family are just as important to the narrative as he is. What is the impact of these sensory details on the reader? Created by. It won him critical acclaim as well as the Golden Kite Award, A Newbury Honor, and a Coretta Scott King honor. Grandma Sands warns the children to stay away from Collier’s Landing on their trip to get water for the house, something about a whirlpool catching a boy up in the water and taking him under. Find out who the Weird Watsons are and what they are up to in the first chapter of the novel 'The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963'. Edit. 200. Rufus is the eldest of the two and Kenny’s newest friend. When Kenny's older brother Byron gets into some trouble, their parents decide that they should take a trip with the whole … Like Bud, Not Buddy, The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 is a work of historical fiction told from the perspective of a 10-year-old African American boy. Once Kenny signs for the food, because Byron is too ashamed to, it is not long before Byron starts running up his parents’ tab. It includes a detailed Plot Summary, Chapter Summaries & Analysis, Character Descriptions, Objects/Places, Themes, Styles, Quotes, and Topics for Discussion on The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963. It is not until later in the novel that the story will break free of this vignette structure and move into a plot with chapters that flow logically together; for now, readers are simply invited to get to know the Watsons through Kenny's short accounts of their experiences. Gundersen, Kathryn. The following character list and chapter summaries should help you in writing a paper, passing a test or contributing to a class discussion. Kenny, our narrator, is in fourth grade, and their little sister Joetta (Joey) is in kindergarten. By being such a juvenile troublemaker, Byron brings out Kenny's virtues. This is the first time Byron has shown signs of true affection and compassion for his little brother; we … The Watsons go to Birmingham (The question is too long to fit in the title.). Mom used to live in … Even with his tattered clothing and Arkansas accent, Kenny realizes that he is a good person to have around when he wants to play with dinosaurs. 0 times. 5th grade . The youngest child is Joetta, or Joey, who is five. The book opens with Kenny and his family trying to make it through an extremely bitter cold day in Flint, Michigan all of them huddled up on the couch under a blanket but that does little to keep them warm and neither does the several layers of clothes they are wearing. Instead of rebelling, he’s falling in love with the place and Kenny can’t wait to get away, if only the heat wouldn’t keep putting him to sleep he’d be packed and waiting. However, Byron taught him a way to avoid having people look at his eye: Kenny just has to look at people sideways when they talk to him. The Question and Answer section for The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 is a great Edit. Daniel: (Dad) the father of the 3 siblings and the husband of Wilona. Hysterical, but never around the kids all Go to Birmingham in just in short summaries begins to with! 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