We can control how we react. If it isnt where you live, there is a good chance it will be soon. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations. Youre Overthinking It: Find Lifelong Love By Being Your True Self, Manifesting for Beginners: A Step By Step Guide To Attracting A Life You Love, How You'll Do Everything Based On Your Zodiac Sign, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, How To Manifest Your Intentions And Attract What You Want, This Is How Death Can Change You For The Better, 30 Toxic Things You Need To Let Go Of By Age 30, 15 Phrases Youve Been Saying Wrong Your Whole Life, The Truth Is, Were More Than Human BeingsWere Human Doings. Focus on your North Star. Dont waste your time feeling bad about the situation. Imagine doing them and the consequences of this. Some people have it worse than others. They become a problem only when . Alex Smith Control Me Simple React Survive Related Authors Ronnie Coleman , Kyrie Irving Stephen Curry , Jesse Owens Kevin Durant Simone Biles Info American - Athlete Born: May 7, 1984 Cite this Page: Citation Quotes to Explore The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you. Also imagine what it would feel like to respond more in keeping with what you want for yourself. So if you want to get better at becoming emotionally. And to prevent unnecessary overloading of medical professionals, emergency services, airlines, and other critical infrastructure, so that the people who actually need it can access it. Take over control. It is all we have for certain. Theres no point in worrying about things you cant change. Could you do this? My mission from that day forward was to grow up and take control of my life. Recognise the emotion. Dont do things that benefit you, at the expense of others. I can't control how people react to the work I do. Dont hoard: hoarding essential goods hurts other members of the community who lack resources to prepare. Did it turn out as expected? Reaction is what changes your understanding of the world. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". But no one can turn you into a bad person, just like no one can turn you into a good one. Use your time and energy to focus on controllable situations instead. He was a man from whom we can learn something about what it means to be human and how to be our bestsometimes in spite of our inclinations. Robert told us and then held me in his arms as I screamed, Thats not true! You change your circumstances. Make them remote-access, if possible. I do worry about my family though. Napoleon Hill, Really, at the end of the day, the only thing you can control is yourself; the only person you can truly educate is yourself. You realize that you control your own destiny. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Earl Nightingale, The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. Practice shifting your mindset to the things you can control, and youll get much further in life. COVID-19 is here. And now, we are settling into damage control mode - attempting to determine who did receive the faulty emails and beginning to determine the best way to reach out to them and apologize without making matters worse. Its been a challenging year for me, too. My sisters and I called each other and just said his name out loud. - Sitemap. I bet that you will be surprised by how long that list becomes. This year has been difficult for many reasons political turmoil, economic chaos, a global pandemic and I know that many people are feeling helpless and out of control. We must change our perception of them so we see the situation differently. Suffering is optional." It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control. The Buddha says: In life, we cannot control the first arrow because it represents the unexpected conditions of life. The first course of action was to cancel whatever emails had not been sent. What we have influence over and what we do not. You might also realize that your parents tended to be critical, leaving you to believe that you always fall short. Power of Positivity uses cookies to give you the most relevant experience. Designed to help you cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom to live your best life. | Privacy Policy. I choose not to react." - Nicola Adams 3. You can always control your focus and effort, the two main things that lead to success. I have great respect for Victor Frankl. Most of us can only wish for his moral strength, insight, and wisdom. No one else can do that for us, or can make us do it, either. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. All you really have is now. Plus, expressing yourself through creativity helps with getting over the thing you cant control, too. No one individual can accomplish this by themselves, but each of us, acting rightly, collectively, can make a big difference. Its not to say circumstances will not improve in the future. Now, of course, we already knew this as we have received a barrage of emails telling us that fact with varying degrees of animosity. Mickey Rivers, You cant control where you were born, the family you were born into, what you look like; you cant control any of those circumstances. Votes: 1 Mary Lambert Natural disasters are terrifying - that loss of control, this feeling that something is just going to randomly end your life for absolutely no reason is terrifying. Instead, we ought to accept conditions as they are and change our perception of what is. Its that simple. Transitions are the birthing pains, alternately exhilarating and difficult, that can bring wondrous, challenging, beautiful changes into our lives. Whatever it is, recall the experience as best you can and summon the emotions you experienced. While the stakes are certainly higher in reality than in the virtual world, the optimal strategy is still the one we use in games. Check out all the bonuses or sign up below. L. Lionel Kendrick, Gain control of your time, and you will gain control of your life. We Can Control How We React. Life can feel totally out of control sometimes. During tough times, our emotions run the gamut: denial, anger, fury, despair, numbness, isolation, desperation. I choose to embrace it! Therefore, we unchain ourselves from the bondage of control, and are free to choose how we respond. Attitude, effort, focus- these are the things we can control" - Tim Tebow You can't control everything in life, so wasting time on things you can't control has no benefit. When you focus on those things, you can get through anything and overcome unexpected events. We can't control other people and we can't control our environment (we can create it, just not completely control it). This our chance to embody these teachings, to prove them, when it counts. Instead, we can learn to notice that there is a space before we react. We discover unlimited possibilities, and by accepting all that is, it gives you the freedom to be yourself. Steve Maraboli, I dont have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why Im there. With more reminders, youll know to focus on the things that you can control. The message: we are what we chose to be." Graham Brown Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Yes, youre worried about them. Paulais one of the worlds leading biz development coaches for lawyers, entrepreneurs & service providers; award-winning author & speaker. Our focus and energy needs to be on the things we can control. In the darkest momentsfighting with my foster parents, for exampleI would say to myself, Stay strong for Jimmy.. This devastating change was not my choice, but what I did next was. Self-discipline. Put your future in good hands your own. We cannot control the events of change in our life, but we can control how we react to the impact that these events have on our lives. Have faith in the process and trust that everything will work out for the best. Mahatma Gandhi 83 When people appear to be something other than good and decent, it is only because they are reacting to stress, pain, or the deprivation of basic human needs such as security, love, and self-esteem. Learning to let go and focus only on what you can control can make all the difference in your well-being. Kelley York Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Psychology and the Mystery of the "Poisoned" Schoolgirls. But if you accept them as they are, the very thing that troubles you about them may actually change. 25 Funny Positive Thinking Quotes To Make You Laugh. Whatever your situation calls for, you will find creating space is an incredibly powerful part of becoming the person you aspire to be. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You cant fix everything, but you can always maintain your attitude. Things will happen. Like I said, they wanted to test us, see how we'd react to what they call the Variables, and to a problem that has no solution. As Patel explains, you can manage your thoughts, words, and actions in all situations. When life and liberty are on the line. - Plato. We can only control one thing. Expressed differently: trying to control reality is a recipe for pain and suffering because we are limited in who and what we can control. You cant change the past, so theres no point in looking back, wishing things could have been different. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Unsubscribe at any time. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And so it is with you. The mantra thing. The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. When we forget this, it's easy to get lost in fear, negativity and a victim mindset - leaving us feeling powerless. Some people do try some nasty things to get at them and try and get a reaction from them. He suggests that how we respond to what happens to us, both internally and externally, is the only thing truly within our control. For investors, slumps are a chance for introspection-and, sometimes, new. You can not control the feelings, they are only a reaction to what is happening.<br>And how we react to what is happening around us depends not on knowing how right or wrong, but on what kind of inner picture of the world a person has formed, what values he dominates.<br><br>Emotions, feelings and thoughts are not a problem in themselves. We can watch this urge to act irrationally arise, then let it go away. Its FREE, Exclusive interviews with leading scholars on Stoicism, A Free Chapter from The Obstacle is the Way. The first course of action was to cancel whatever emails had not been sent. While we have to relinquish control over the circumstances, we can still maintain our connection to ourselves. Required fields are marked *. The following quotes about control help to remind us that we cant always control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we think about it, how we feel about it and how we react. We're all dealt our hands in life, and how we choose to react is entirely up to us. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding, How a Stronger Body Can Transform Your Identity, Two Questions to Help You Spot a Clingy Partner-to-Be. Thematically, it centres on the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance and repressive regimentation of people and behaviours . Finding Yourself. Dwelling on negativity from the past simply contributes to its power. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand." 2. There are things in the world we can control and things that we cannot. Therefore, I invite you to pick one or two situations youve been trying to control. Here are four tips to help you do it: Last year I wrote an article encouraging you to find your North Star. If you're feeling down and out, change your environment. Release the stress. What we need from you now is what weve always needed and talked about here: Courage. When I ask this question to clients in my coaching practice, they often cite negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, hate, and disappointment. Learn, accept, explore, create and experience, every single day, one tiny step at a time. Unknown 135 Likes Humor quotes Please see our Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, About | Cookie Policy | Editorial Policy | Contact | Do not sell my personal information |Cookie Settings. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. So, when faced with something you cant control, turn your focus to how you react instead. Though I run this site, it is not mine. When you accept what you cannot change, sometimes, even without any effort on your part, as if miraculously, things start to change and improve. All rights Reserved. "Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.". To put aside irrational thoughts and develop a plan to keep us moving forward. It reminds me of the tale of The Two Arrows, in which the Buddha tells of a person being struck by an arrow which causes them pain. Misunderstandings are a normal part of life, and the outcomes of these depend upon how we choose to react to them. 37:53 End What You Need to Know If You Obsess About Weight Loss, On Making Positive Choices for a Happy, Empowered Life, If You Hate Your Body and Think You Need to Fix It, Relationship anxiety/commitment fear or just not the one, Something I realized about my anxiety attacks, Someone called me ugly and my gf agreed (indirectly), One of the Most Freeing Things We Learn in Life, 30 Simple Mindfulness Practices to Help You Focus and Be Present, 8 Things Not to Say to Someone Whos Struggling with Anxiety, Nothing You Do Will Be Enough If the Relationship Isnt Right, How I Stopped Being Everything I Hated About My Parents, How Restrictive Diets Mess with Our Brains and Lead to Bingeing. Its a mistake!. Stretched carts & 6-seaters will need more than 9ft of wire, we can customize the length of The root of suffering doesn't come from what we experience, but rather from, You see, events occur throughout our lives that forever alter us, and it is. In it, he implies that people often react without thinking. So do your part. Instead, think of where you want to go next and come up with a plan to get there. They show up uninvited. John Landis Mason, You must learn to let go. Take responsibility for our lives and recognize that we choose, What we believe spirit visitors to be influences how they affect our lives. Regular e Reading quotes is motivating and uplifting for any part of life, including dealing with anxiety, worry, fear, and ov You might not think of divorced women as your go-to source for marriage advice. He suggests that we can grow and change and be different if we can learn to recognize, increase, and make use of this space. With such awareness, we can find freedom from the dictates of both external and internal pressures. Subscribe to get our free Daily Stoic email. Learn a more compassionate approach to yourself: Because personal change takes effort and time to accomplish, it is important to support this process within yourself. them, when it counts. Oh oh oh, I want you to take over control. But it wasnt. Are you going to experience adventure or are you going to be limited by your fears? And of course, we know that thinking positive is way much better than the rest (you know what the rest. Note how you feel. You can't always control who walks into your life but you can control which window to throw them out. Pause. 7 Zoom Video Call Mistakes You Need to Stop Right Now, 5 Reasons to Come to Your First Brand ManageCamp Conference. Out of all the things you can try to change, your thoughts are the most important to focus on. Here is some Wordly encouragement to get you through those tough situations. Say only what you mean, and refrain from using hurtful, misleading words. Happiness isnt just a result of your circumstances. Many people include quotes at the bottom of their emails some inspirational, some from movies, some just whimsical but this one had very specific meaning for us today: You cant always control what happens, but you can control how you react.. You know what is the worst thing about being rejected? Do you feel inner peace, freedom, or a sense of serenity? Author Judy Blume is often credited with saying, How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To be able to spread the only positive form of contagion there is: calm. Heres a point worth considering: Acceptance does not mean resignation or apathy. Yes, it is. What matters is not what other people are doing or have done, but what you do. It can be very helpful to understand your reactions, and perhaps even their origins. Cursing the origin of the virus, being racist, perpetuating conspiracy theories, and hoarding toilet paper will not save you. How we think, believe, feel and react. Controlling that beast, that dark side, is what fascinates me. Imagine a better response: Think about better ways to respond. Your email address will not be published. I love that! 100 Likes, TikTok video from Shawn (@the_consistent_man): ""Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation." - Viktor Frankl We all live under varying degrees of freedom. The bottom line is: You are in control of your reactions to things and how you view things. You can't stop them from happening, but you can control your reaction from making things worse. Letting your emotions control you is easy. It was my sister Elizabeths 17th birthday and the day that my brother Jimmy, whom I worshipped, died. Plus, your thoughts, words, and actions affect the world around you, too. Heartache might make you feel sa Affirmations are simple, positive statements that can help you appreciate your life. Frankl found his space through finding meaning. About how we feel, actually we can control it, that's like to choose to think positive or negative. And when taken to an extreme, it produces things like domestic violence." Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries Anger only makes things worse. This overrides the extra rounded corners on search inputs in iOS so that our\n// `.form-control` class can properly style them. Happiness isn't just a result of your. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 'good spiritedness'): one flourishes by living an ethical life. 2. And that every action has a reaction. This freedom is not bound by what others say or do. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. With our example, you might note how your impatience makes it impossible for you to effectively solve problems. As you read through, choose your favorite quotations and post them in a place youll see them often. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. So stop focusing on what happened and start focusing on whats going to move you forward. No matter how long it took, no matter how many storms they endured, the North Star kept them moving in the right direction. All through this ordeal, though, I firmly believe and draw strength from the quote found in that one womans email. Slowly stock up with non-perishable foods and goods so that others can do the same. On the other hand, if you focus only on things that are within your power, youll find happiness, peace, and success. . Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. That means: Keeping up to date with the latest advice from the World Health Organization (and then actually following it!). After all, when we accept life as it is, we are free to act in accordance with reality and liberate ourselves from holding on to negative emotions. I am struck by how casually we as a nation react to the carnage in Iraq. Epictetus, You control your future, your destiny. The following collection of quotes are all about control and the power that we do have. Ultimately, life is not about trying to control others or external conditions because these things are out of our control. Dont let the things you cant control hold you back and control your feelings. If you have trouble breathing, are an older adult (70+), have pre-existing lung conditions or are immunocompromised, be ready to call your doctor or visit an ER. We can control our actions, the goals we pursue, the values we adopt, and our mental attitudes. Josh Shipp, You only have control over three things in your life the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions your take. Considering this, recall the earlier situation or person I asked you about in the opening paragraph. Plus, your thoughts can change the course of the world if you focus on positive, productive things. Use these quotes about what you can control to improve your life and shift your mindset. Sarah loves reading classic novels but also enjoys a good thriller. Although most of us realize what we control and do not control, we live as though we do not really know, and in some cases we spend years focusing on things we cannot control. And I dont get upset over things I cant control, because if I cant control them theres no sense in getting upset. Elon Musk, All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude. Sheryl Lee, Reaction is what changes your understanding of the world. Michelle Obama. You can't pretend that everybody likes Versace. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. No one walks through life unscathed, and it's, We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can always control. Thats all that matters. This email was originally sent March 14, 2020 to our email subscribers. How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, The Most Important Part of Therapy Is Often Misunderstood, Compassionate Self-Awareness, A New Concept, 7 Ticking Time Bombs That Destroy Loving Relationships, The Single Best (and Hardest) Thing to Give Up, 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Hope and Happiness. "Change is not a four letter wordbut often your reaction to it is!". Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. Laura's Body Image Mastery programs are celebrated by thousands of women who have released their excess weight and reclaimed their self-esteem. Your email address will not be published. What happened prior to the email going out was just dumb, bad luck no amount of preparation or caution could have helped avoid it. Make things happen, and then let things happen. Dont touch your face, and cough into a tissue or your elbow. If you know your neighbor is elderly and planning to make a grocery run, see if you can help them get what they need without leaving their house. At the end of the day, we will rest easy knowing that we have done our best. Marya Mannes, You can influence, direct and control your own environment. 1. Multinational corporations do control. The way we react doesn't come from our conscious decision, but rather from our instincts and learned behaviours. Reviewed by Jessica Schrader, Between stimulus and response there is a space. You cant control how long youll need to engage in social distancing, but you can control if you spend that time productively. The first step toward change is awareness. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. No overactivity. There are no assurances, but you will have changed anyway and found inner peace, which is more important than trying to change other people. The Great Recession in 2009 was an opportunity for me to rebuild my business into something that I truly love. Help others who are in more precarious situations. It stares you in the face. Instead of tuning out to avoid the pain, dealing with and even embracing tragedy and its consequences gives us an active role in guiding our own change and growth. It is a learned reaction to frustration, in which you behave in ways that you would rather not. I often ask clients to download a habit tracker on their smartphone and track how long they can keep accepting a difficult situation until it no longer causes them misery. Put your study to practice and inspire those around you to do the same. Dont think youre the exception. Taylor Swift, Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you dont. Even in a difficult situation, there are opportunities all around us if were willing to look for them. Life doesnt always go the way you want it to, and there will be things that you cant control. React Positively. The Buddha says: In life, we cannot control the first arrow because it represents the unexpected conditions of life. My other older brother Robert (I am the youngest of eight) broke the news to me and my three other closest siblings, Michael, Madeleine, and Elizabeth. 624 Likes, 9 Comments - Kasturi M ~ Indian Relationship Coach, MFT (@heymisstherapist) on Instagram: "You can only control how you react or respond to a partner's mood - good or bad. What better opportunity to practice this chief task in life than the one were currently facing? Remember that happiness is a choice you get to make. The ideal life is one that is in . So we can acquire wisdom from tragedy and danger. There are many benefits to reaching your fitness goals, and daily affirmations can help you stay on track. In other words, the negative emotions you experience trying to control others or circumstances is lifes way of telling you to stay out of its business. Dont waste your time and energy on things you cant change, and avoid ruminating about the past. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, at the moment, the situation is what it is, and we ought to release our resistance to how things should be. Neither will sticking your head in the sand and pretending its not that bad. All those are wasting your time that could be spent saving your life and others. Focus on your. What matters is not what other people are doing or have done, but what, That means: Keeping up to date with the latest advice from the. John 13:7 To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.". Go somewhere different. Rest for 10 seconds. And implement common-sense measures so that your employees and customers are safe: reduce face-to-face interactions as much as possible, grant generous sick leave, and limit the number of customers at a single time. It is not bound by what happens to you, because a person who is accepting of reality is free to choose their attitude. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If we can't control the viruses that attack our bodies, or the cancerous cells that attack our veins, what can we control? Think about the meaning or origin of your reactions: There is a reason that you react as you do. But we can control how we respond to the second arrow, which is fuelled by our reaction and judgement. It may help you to be angry and express your rage; it may help to be alone for some time. Is it possible to choose your reaction to whatever happens? For instance, you might not like your tendency to become quickly frustrated in difficult situations, wanting instead to be a patient person. Neither will sticking your head in the sand and pretending its not that bad. All those are wasting your time that could be spent saving your life and others. Taking a time-out and removing yourself from the situation is an effective strategy to prevent overreaction and resolve conflict in a relationship. You can make your life what you want it to be. 0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Rogue Fitness: NEW RECORD Tamara Walcott beats her previous record in the.