These plants are very slow growing, putting out out a new leaf about once a month, sometimes even slower indoors. As southerner, I can tell you we plant mostly Strelitzia Nicolai, mostly because they are big. PATSP is a long-winded, intermittently humorous blog which is mostly about houseplants, particularly Anthuriums and Schlumbergeras. Most of the Strelitzia spp. S. reginae is very well known, and arguably the most common species (picture above). Not particularly sensitive to humidity. There are five main species and varieties, although only Strelitzia Reginae and Strelitzia Nicolai are treated as houseplants. Cordyline Fruticosa Varieties, My Strelitzia reginae is now in flower with four spikes! They look very similar when not … Culture du strelitzia: apprivoisez cet oiseau du paradis. Katalog rostlin s vyhledáváním jednotlivých druhů. Plants do well in full sun to semi-shade. The leaves are grey-green up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems. If you don't have this type of lighting, I suggest possibly incorporating an overhead grow light. The major difference with its new and current location is that the window is overhead, almost like a skylight but not quite. Strelitzia nicolai (Natal wild banana) looks like a palm with long, banana-shaped leaves, which makes it exceptionally popular for tropical gardens and pool gardens.It can reach 8 m in height and forms dense clumps up to 3 m wide. Strelitzia nicolai is the current record-holder for the biggest leaf in the apartment: 27 inches long and 10 inches wide, roughly 68.5 cm by 25.3 cm. juncea, Strelitzia reginae var. Thrips will also cause curling of the leaves. Pousse en touffe et en hauteur (10 m) Plantation du Strelitzia. Strelitzia reginae has leaves that look like boat paddles, S. nicolai has leaves like a banana tree, while the leaves of S. juncea are curled around the stem so they look like skinny sticks. S. nicolai produces flowers from spring to late summer; its flowers differ slightly from those of other strelitzia. The distinctive bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae or Strelizia nicolai) is one of the best known of all the tropical flowers and is a cousin to the banana.Surprisingly, the bird of paradise is easier to grow than many tropical plants and makes for a vigorous, rapidly growing indoor plant. “Strelitzia” - the journey of my “Giant White” Nicolai variety and some cautions. 24 juil. As British monarchs go, he seems to be mostly notable for being a faithful husband (no, seriously!) Prefers a light to medium well-drained soil in a protected partially shaded position, drought and frost tender. If your garden is small, or you have just a courtyard, but long for a tropical theme, this is perfect. Re: Strelitzia reginae rusticité Lundi 24.10.2011 17:49 J'en ai gardé un pendant des années mais j'ai arrêté: ça ressemblait à de l'acharnement thérapeutique La fleur Strelitzia reginae ou oiseau de paradis est originaire d’Afrique du Sud, mais dans l’intervalle, la plante s’est étendue à presque toutes les régions tropicales et subtropicales. Get your mag delivered!-Save 29% off the cover price! Whatever room you put a Strelitzia in, S. nicolai in particular, the room is going to kind of belong to them. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and is considered as Queen of the houseplant world, although only Strelitzia Nicolai and Strelitzia Reginae are treated as houseplants. (right, or below) Close-up of Strelitzia reginae leaf.. Strelitzia nicolai leaves. Thanks for the blog _ I was getting a little paranoid that mine which I grew from seed five years ago had still not flowered! Reginae vs Nicolai varieties. Tous les Strelitzia sont originaires d'Afrique australe. Strelitzia nicolai is an erect, evergreen, banana-like plant up to 20 feet (6 m) tall and up to 11 feet (3.3 m) wide, with erect, woody stems. Only a couple years later, you can see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space. Depuis cet hiver certaines feuilles sont à moitié sèches, pouvez- vous me dire le pourquoi ? Strelitzia 'Nicolai' 181,99 € Ajouter au panier +-+ + Immédiatement 5 € de réduction? Brown edges (without a yellow halo) is often lack of humidity. For now, here is my experience with my own 'Giant White' Bird of Paradise, indoors, under average household conditions. I thought it was a fluke the first time, but it seemed to be a fairly reliable responce. There are five Strelitzia species, but only two are commonly grown as indoor plants: Strelitzia reginae (the orange bird of paradise) and Strelitzia nicolai (the white bird of paradise). The flower structure is one of the most unusual in the plant kingdom. A bonus is that the leaves won’t fall into your pool water. They look very similar when not in flower–see the leaves. Reginae produces yellow blooms and only grow to 6ft where as the aforementioned Nicolai grow to 30ft and adorn white flowers. Allowing drying out inbetween until you gauge a schedule, and gradually introduce more light. This bird of paradise flower has blue petals and orange sepals (which are the ones that protect the inner flower). Know also that you'll have to repot them into extra larger and deep pots. I kept it by a west-facing window then eventually moved it to a south-facing one. Might want to call the zoo and make sure they'd be interested before you plan on donating, too, as far as that goes. Hi, I have grown Strelitzia reginae and also the juncea and parvifolia for about the last 5 years in 60litre bags. Le Strelitzia Nicolai vient d'Afrique du Sud et possède de belles grandes feuilles qui transforment votre maison en une véritable jungle. Strelitzia reginae is an easy plant to grow in the garden. nicolai. Comme pour l'arbre du voyageur (Ravenala madagascariensis), les feuilles, beaucoup plus coriaces que celles des bananiers, sont disposées de façon distique à l'extrémité du stipe formant un éventail. Originates from South Africa. Five ways to add colour in your winter garden, The essential guide to Australian native plants, Looking for some new indoor plants? This is the common Strelitzia reginae type of plant that most of us know. Strelitzia reginae was chosen as the very first Plant of the Week when this series began in July 2000 as … Strelitzia alba is a rare form of S. nicolai. 1 Not that there's anything all that special about European civilization, not exactly. Did you know? Only a couple years later, you can see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space. Strelitzia nicolai, the treelike Natal wild banana, grows along SA’s east coast and up into Mozambique. Strelitzia is a genus of 5 species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. I do not know. Thanks so much! The inflorescence is composed of a dark blue bract, white sepals, and a bluish-purple "tongue". Mr. Subjective- You are quite fun! Culture de Strelitzia reginae. Reginae produces yellow blooms and only grow to 6ft where as the aforementioned Nicolai grow to 30ft and adorn white flowers. The thoughts, opinions, life choices, etc. Looking like one of the many fabulous birds of tropical Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, the flamboyant flowers of the bird of paradise (Strelitzia spp, also called crane flowers) come in a shock of orange, yellow, blue and red against the from the tall, dense, grey-green or blue-green leaves. Of course, we call them "birds" as saying "Strelitzia Nicolai" is just asking too much. Genus Strelitzia are evergreen perennials, forming a clump of long-stalked, linear to broadly oblong leaves, with stiff stems bearing beak-like bracts from which strikingly coloured flowers open in succession De Strelitzia houdt van een lichte standplaats. Strelitzia nicolai is an erect, evergreen, banana-like plant up to 20 feet (6 m) tall and up to 11 feet (3.3 m) wide, with erect, woody stems. starting from £59.95. Strelitzia reginae 17,99 € Ajouter au panier + Oiseau de paradis Strelitzia 'Nicolai' XL Avec panier en osier. Strelitzia / s t r ɛ ˈ l ɪ t s i ə / is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa.It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. Strelitzia nicolai, commonly known as Giant Bird of Paradise sums up this immense plant. The 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in)-long leaves are grey-green and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems, similar to Ravenala madagascariensis. When I say Europe wasn't the only game in town, civilization-wise, I'm mainly just trying to acknowledge that, you know, it wasn't, and incidentally I'm trying not to be an asshole who thinks the whole world revolves around me and my particular culture. Keep moist but tolerant of drying out. Espèces et variétés de Strelitzia. Strelitzia Nicolai Origine. Son nom provient de la forme curieuse de ses fleurs qui ressemble à une tête d'oiseau. De cette façon, vous créez également une véritable ambiance de jungle à l'extérieur. A Floridata plant profile of species Strelitzia nicolai, commonly called bird-of-paradise tree, giant bird-of-paradise 1 Not that there's anything all that special about European civilization, not exactly. It truly is a must-have member of our big house plant collection. It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. Splotches over leaf surface: if you recently moved your plant to a sunnier spot without slowly acclimating it first, it may have received sun scorch. Nan:Well, you probably do donate to the zoo in that case, yes. Everybody wins. Originates from South Africa. En été, le Strelitzia est très approprié pour être placé sur la terrasse. Strelitzia juncea leaves (mature on left, immature on right). I don't feel like I've phrased this especially well, but I'll let it stand anyway. It’s not hard for flowering plants to stick out in winter, but nothing stands out quite like the bird of paradise plant. Welcome to the jungle, with a wide range of big leaves, from Colocasia to philodendrons, bananas, Remusatia, Canna and Alocasia.Also discover amazing flowers with Strelitzia, Alpinia and Hedychium. Strelitzia Nicolai Origine. What is the point of demanding the right to say words that are hurtful to complete strangers? So long as there isn't discolouration, it's perfectly normal. Information on this velvety-soft algae and the fascinating myth behind it. The Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) seeds I planted are growing okay. The grey-green banana-like leaves grow about 3 ½ to 4 feet in height and the flowers stand above the foliage at the tips of long stalks. 10 mètres de hauteur pour 3 m d'étalement ; Strelitzia juncea : feuillage ressemblant à celui du roseau. Strelitzia nicolai - "white bird of paradise," "giant bird of paradise," "wild banana," "blue-and-white strelitzia" Strelitzia reginae - "crane Lily," "crane flower" Of the five, Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae are the two popularly owned houseplants. Of course most of us find out that we run out of light (or more often ceiling space) eventually. The major difference with its new and current location is that the window is overhead, almost like a skylight but not quite. It is a bold structural plant, which forms large evergreen clumps of stiff leaves growing up from the base. Enjoy them as much as you can, but know the realities that they may suffer long term. Merci Sachant qu’il a hiverné dans une pièce non chauffée et lumineuse, aurait-il fallu vaporiser un peu les feuilles en hiver ? Height – 3 to 6 ½ feet (1 to 2 meters) Exposure – … Do I just whack off the oldest ones? It is the national flower of Madeira, Portugal since 2005. Charlotte/Alexandra was the daughter of Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenberg-Strelitz. I'm dreading the re-potting. Strelitzia reginae Touffe.. visibility voir Strelitzia reginae Touffe (avec bouton de fleur) Longeur 60 Hauteur 130 Taille du pot 34 . Espèce type. UNE PLANTE PROCHE: STRELITZIA REGINAE CULTURE: Bananeraie En pot ou en pleine terre, Germination. Previous Names: Strelitzia augusta, Strelitzia quensonii. Afrique du Sud . Statistics. And I've seen bigger than that, actually, just not on my own plant. Strelitzia reginae, called bird of paradise, is probably one of the most well-known plants in the world. I'd wait until the end of the summer before getting rid of it, though. Strelitzia nicolai grows up to 12m high and 4m wide. Strelitzia nicolai, left; an edible banana plant in the Musaceae family, right. Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise) aka Crane Flower in its native South Africa. Family: Strelitziaceae (Strelitzia or Crane flower family). It could flower for you if you set it outside (I'm assuming it hasn't already) for the summer, and there's a remote but real possibility that it might offset, in which case you could cut off the pup and continue growing it, while still donating the big plant to the zoo. You can also grow it in a pot in your home or office where it will add a dramatic, sculptural element to your interiors. There are five main species and varieties, although only Strelitzia Reginae and Strelitzia Nicolai are treated as houseplants. Know also that you'll have to repot them into extra larger and deep pots. It doesn’t like frost or strong winds, but otherwise is very hardy. Common names: Natal Wild Banana, Coastal Strelitzia, White bird of paradise, Natal wildepiesang, Mock banana. Success rate is about 95%, and most plants flower within 9 months. Magnifique, elle présente un port en touffe érigée. Pests! Service Clients . The best remedy to a slow leaf is simply patience. Oiseau du paradis - Strelitzia reginae. Copyright Teaching In Crisis © 2019. Because it doesn't. The entire flower can be up to 7.2 inches (18 cm) tall, up to 18 inches (45 cm) long and is typically held just above t… Pretty picture: Dianthus chinensis 'Floral Lace Cr... King and Queen (Strelitzia nicolai and S. reginae). Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise) aka Crane Flower in its native South Africa. This additional light may also increase the growth of Strelitzia, so fertilizing a couple times a year in recommended doses would be well-advised for a Bird of Paradise in such an environment. These banana-like plants with true stems may be low growing or tree-like. The Strelitziaceae family is host to the Strelitzia reginae, which is a well-known South African plant that is identifiable for its striking colours and unique shape. Now I can chill. Strelitzia appartient à la famille des bananiers (Musaceae) et sont étroitement liés. slur of your choice], how the Language Police are taking their right to free speech away in the name of Political Correctness, and it's so hard to be [some combination of: white, male, straight, wealthy] these days. Strelitzia / s t r ɛ ˈ l ɪ t s i ə / is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa.It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. When young, the leaves of S. juncea look like the broad ‘paddles’ of S. reginae but, as it matures, the leaves shrink until the stems look rush-like and quite striking. Strelitzia reginae (Paradijsvogelbloem) De Strelitzia reginae wordt ook wel Paradijsvogelbloem of Vogelkopbloem genoemd. Strelitzia reginae 30cm ; Images are for reference purposes only. Plant in rich, acidic, free-draining soil, water when required and give it slow-release fertiliser in spring and summer. So, I'm not going after "queen" in the "off with their heads!" Also sometimes there were mosquitoes. How do you benefit? USE IN:As a feature in tropical-style garden settings. I use a balanced fertilizer (organic or synthetic is your choice) or top the soil with compost, mix in a slow release organic fertilizer, or worm castings. Common names: Natal Wild Banana, Coastal Strelitzia, White bird of paradise, Natal wildepiesang, Mock banana. Check for pests along new growth, especially mealies that like to hide in crevices. En effet, dans la grande famille des Strelitzia, de nombreuses caractéristiques sont à prendre en compte afin de distinguer le Strelitzia Nicolaï des autres plantes comme Strelitzia Reginae. Strelitzia nicolai leaves. In their native South Africa these are also known as crane flowers, as they resemble the heads of the crowned crane. juncea, Strelitzia principis, Strelitzia reginae subsp. You’ll need a large pot, at least 400mm wide, because it has a large root system. You can get away with growing a 'Giant White' Bird of Paradise when it's small for 1-2 years, but once it starts reaching maturity, symptoms of improper conditions will show. Strelitzia reginae, l’oiseau du paradis; Strelitzia nicolai, oiseau du paradis géant; Strelitzia caudata, autre strelitzia arborescent Bird of Paradise prefer the brightest spot you can give them: south-facing ideally. So why? It … The impressive and showy, zygomorph… China Strelitzia, China Strelitzia Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Strelitzia Products at strelitzia reginae seeds,seed strelitzia,strelitzia reginae from China your blog, gosh darn it!!! (middle) A narrower-leaved version, folded in a bit due to the dry climate. Sa hauteur se situe entre 1,5 et 2 m en pot et atteint jusqu’à 10 m en milieu naturel. S. reginae casi abren flores • Diferencias entre Strelitzia nicolai y Strelitzia augusta • Diferencias entre Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia alba y Strelitzia nicolai • Strelitzia alba en apuros • Strelitzia alba: fotos de la floración Nevertheless, it makes some kind of intuitive sense to me to call them King and Queen, if for no other reason than because they are capable of getting so huge, so imposing, even while still relatively young plants. Strelitzia are heavy feeders and require regular fertilizing during growing season. Too much water or not enough light. Watch the video below for a selection of indoor plants that are impossible to kill.Â. 100% Croissance & Floraison En direct des Pays-Bas Commandez en ligne ! How many people have 3-story high ceilings, really! Le Strelitzia nicolai appelé aussi oiseau de paradis blanc est une plante tropicale de la famille des Strelitziacées, il est de la même famille que l' arbre du voyageur. This is the best known and most popular Strelitzia in cultivation. Well what do you do w/ one that is too big?The room I have it in is about 16' tall & it is not that tall but it is arching over too much.Nic is in front of an East 12' window. -Strelitzia nicolai in the laundry room picture used by permission of an anonymous Garden Web photo donor. I've been replacing my bananas with "birds" because I think they are much nicer looking. Here’s how you choose. Où le planter ? 99% of the Bird of Paradise I see for sale in Toronto are the 'Giant White' (Strelitzia nicolai) variety which aren't particularly house-friendly because they grow up to 30ft and can't be pruned to contain its size. Zajímavosti ze světa rostlin. Americans tend not to be terribly fond of George III, as he was the monarch in charge of England when we revolted; I couldn't really get a sense from reading around whether he's really all that terrible. 124,99 € Détails Acheter. How Fast Does Irish Ivy Grow, Summary of Strelitzia facts. But, if you want to keep them together, I recommend being slightly more heavy-handed with fertilizer than other houseplants and use it at full strength. The deadhead 'bird' flowers put on a great show in the fire by twisting and turning, opening their 'beaks' looking like crazy disembodied phoenix heads. The new tender leaf starts as a vibrant chartreuse shade, then gradually turns a deep green. If the pot is big enough It can grow to 2 m / 6.6 ft tall, with large, tough banana like leaves 25–70cm / 9.8–28in long. (left) Leaves of normal Strelitzia reginae. So the relationship between Charlotte and Nicholas is, Charlotte was the aunt of Nicholas's mother-in-law. Maybe Nicholas already had the bath towels monogrammed for someone else or something. S. reginae is very well known, and arguably the most common species (picture above). Plus d’informations sur Oiseau de paradis Strelitzia 'Nicolai' XL chez It has the usual dense, clumping habit, with upright leaf stems that support deep green, to grey-green, broad, tropical looking leaves. The stems grow up to 2m, and the leaves are about 20cm long and 15cm wide. The genus is named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom.A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower/plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise. With optimal care, these plants can grow up to the height of two metres and bloom for years. 2004 18:31 parthenocissus a écrit : moi, je connais une très bonne jardinerie où il ya de beau zoizeau … Ses pétioles de 0,50 à 1 m de long porte des feuilles oblongues mesurant jusqu’à 50 cm de long. The bird of paradise flower is an evergreen perennial; this means that the plant usually keeps its green foliage throughout the year, but it also means that the plant dies when it frosts and temperatures drop, and then it will reemerge through spring.. They love humid and hot climates and can grow up to 30 inches in height if left in the wilderness. She is a self-taught plant generalist, urban forest bather and passionate pursuer of daily betterment. The leaves are grey-green up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems. Nous avons une propriété dans le finistère : à plougastel, keraliou très exactement, en bord de mer. ’Mandela’s Gold’ are also available.. A few other species include the indigenous tree form Strelitzia nicolai and S. juncea with sword like upright cylindrical leaves. Which really muddies more up than it clarifies: they weren't particularly related to one another, were they? Strelitzia nicolai, commonly known as the giant white bird of paradise or wild banana, is a species of banana-like plants with erect woody stems reaching a height of 6 m (20 ft), and the clumps formed can spread as far as 3.5 m (11 ft).. It’s really hardy and tolerates hot summers and very mild frosts. 34. This is often accompanied by thin and long petioles which cannot support the weight, and bow down. We get them pretty harsh here. Strelitzia Reginae: Strelitzia Reginae is highly recognised for its bright coloured cut-flowers that last for around four weeks. Also there was something about a chamberpot and funny-colored urine, which is less obvious. It'll allow your plant to grow more upright, and sturdy. So Nicholas I of Russia married Charlotte of Prussia, who subsequently, for reasons I didn't care to investigate, changed her name to Alexandra. Since then, the exotic plant has been cultivated here. And as far as it goes, we disagreed about a fair amount of stuff directly relating to plants, too. A number of different varieties are available including a smaller yellow-flowering form named S. reginae. There are five main species and varieties, although only Strelitzia Reginae and Strelitzia Nicolai are treated as houseplants. Totally normal: these leaves were designed to split to mitigate high winds, letting it pass through, Otherwise the plant would uproot! However, if you're experiencing tears on a new young leaf, your plant isn't getting bright enough light. This bird of paradise flower has blue petals and orange sepals (which are the ones that protect the inner flower). Name – Strelitzia reginae Family – Strelitziaceae Type – perennial. The large Leaves are in 2 opposite vertical rows and are sheathing at the base. We had a bonfire for the yard trimmings. Other common names white bird of paradise . Oiseau du paradis bleu - Strelitzia nicolai. (Lest you think I'm some kind of hostage to political correctness for feeling the need to make that clear -- you know, so much of so-called political correctness is just about trying not to be an asshole. It's possible that it is pot bound if you've ruled out under-watering. This plant is my favorite Strelitzia because I love weird plants. Feuillage : Feuilles très larges, très coriaces à court pétiole. Le strelitzia blanc a besoin également d’un sol nourricier : du terreau ou du compost sera rajouté chaque année en surface au printemps. Origine de Strelitzia nicolai. You can get away with growing a 'Giant White' Bird of Paradise when it's small for 1-2 years, but once it starts reaching maturity, symptoms of improper conditions will show. Strelitzia are heavy feeders and require regular fertilizing during growing season. S. nicolai; S. caudata; Strelizia reginae subsp. The other strelitzia species mentioned here have single flowers attached to long stems. The flower is a typical crane flower inflorescence. Les inflorescences sont de couleurs vives, orange et violet, et ressemblent à un oiseau des îles. If the pot is big enough It can grow to 2 m / 6.6 ft tall, with large, tough banana like leaves 25–70cm / 9.8–28in long. Elle appartient à l’ordre des zingibérales. Fill the pot with quality potting mix and place it in a well-lit spot. It … -Strelitzia nicolai in the laundry room picture used by permission of an anonymous Garden Web photo donor. 34. The inflorescence is composed of a dark blue bract, white sepals, and a bluish-purple "tongue". Once the flower heads die, I find it is best to grab the petiole as low to the ground as … This looks stunning as a feature plant in a structural landscape, such as part of a rockery, or by a swimming pool where, if you have the space, you can plant a mass of them so they line the length of the pool closest to your boundary. Strelitzia reginae is also known as the bird of paradise (resembling the colours and shape of an exotic bird), the crane flower or the orange strelitzia. Les Strelitzia appartiennent à la famille des bananiers (Musaceae) et sont étroitement liés. Satin Pothos vs. Philodendron Silver - Care. Plant in rich, acidic, free-draining soil, water when required and give it slow release fertiliser in spring and summer. Strelitzia juncea leaves (mature on left, immature on right) It is the flowers of this genus that attract the most attention. Description du strelitzia. All Rights Reserved. Strelitzia juncea. Feed it fortnightly in spring and summer with liquid plant food, and water regularly. Rock Texture Photoshop, Description. (left) Leaves of normal Strelitzia reginae. Nom : Strelitzia reginae Famille : Strelitziacées Type : Vivace Hauteur : 1 à 2 m Exposition : Ensoleillée, Mi-ombre Sol : Ordinaire Feuillage : Persistant – Floraison : Mai à septembre. In fact, I'm pretty sure we disagreed about a lot of stuff, which was additional incentive not to discuss anything that didn't relate pretty directly to plants. This is known as the giant bird of paradise because it can grow into a tree with multiple stems. Prefers a light to medium well-drained soil in a protected partially shaded position, drought and frost tender. Au cours des années, elle forme une tige épaisse en forme de tronc et beaucoup de rejets. Synonyms Strelitzia alba subsp. Strelitzia nicolai, left; an edible banana plant in the Musaceae family, right. Derek Keats/CC BY 2.0/Flickr. Cette plante produit de très belles fleurs en forme d'oiseau de couleur bleu et blanche. La plante strelitzia reginae est la plus communément vendue. Common indoors, sometimes the new leaf can have tears which indicates a lack of sufficient light. Plants do well in full sun to semi-shade. This is the common Strelitzia reginae type of plant that most of us know. Grand Piano For Sale, Elle offre une … In very high light, Strelitzia will become a vigourous drinker, so attention must be paid to make sure that it is well-watered on a regular basis. Rezervace, chráněná území a jiné významné botanické lokality. Elle est originaire d'Afrique du Sud, mais on le retrouve maintenant partout sous les tropiques. You tolerate me! Strelitzia nicolai, commonly known as Giant Bird of Paradise sums up this immense plant. But had Strelitzia reginae not been on that boat to England in 1773, there's a good chance I wouldn't be writing about it now. It's got two stories to grow into before we have to worry. CARE: Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Seriously. There's nothing particularly hard-to-please about the Strelitzia clan. 64,99 € Détails Acheter . Since these are such large growers its best to separate them. Do I give it to the ZOo & get another one?Nan. 6 Just FYI: I figured all this out after naming and saving the pictures, so those pictures in this post which are mine all have file names referring to reginae even though they are, I think, actually all nicolai. Rusticité de Strelitzia nicolai-2°C, mais la plante peut repousser à partir du rhizome après une gelée. Dark Souls Lore Book, RSA Tree No. La fleur de Strelitzia reginae ou Bird of Paradise est originaire d'Afrique du Sud, mais entre-temps, la plante s'est propagée à presque toutes les régions tropicales et subtropicales. Previous Names: Strelitzia augusta, Strelitzia quensonii. These plants need a lot of space to grow! They will make nice houseplants for the fernery. Fleurs : Sépales blancs et pétales bleus sortant d'une grosse bractée verte sur une hampe de 20 cm. / "we-are-not-amused" sense. If it's a really huge plant, you may want to put down newspaper on the kitchen floor and enlist the help of another person.I've never had anything terribly exciting happen after repotting S. nicolai, but we did lose a few S. reginaes at the ex-job from overpotting them (repotting into too large of a container). For now, here is my experience with my own 'Giant White' Bird of Paradise, indoors, under average household conditions. The Strelitziaceae family is host to the Strelitzia reginae, which is a well-known South African plant that is identifiable for its striking colours and unique shape. If the pot is big enough It can grow to 2 m / 6.6 ft tall, with large, tough banana like leaves 25–70cm / 9.8–28in long. I am completely mystified by the people who rant and rave about how unfair it is that they can't say the word [fill in misogynist, racist, homophobic, or etc. Strelitzia nicolai - giant bird of paradise. je me permets de mettre en ligne ce post au sujet du strelitzia nicolai (je ne suis pas parvenu à trouver de post répondant à ma demande ... ). Read more. (right, or below) Close-up of Strelitzia reginae leaf.. Strelitzia nicolai leaves. Along edges: even though I find Bird of Paradise to not be as sensitive to humidity, there is a limit to the dryness it can tolerate. , seriously! two metres and bloom for years superb plant that comes from the base n't feel like 've! The summer before getting rid of it atteint jusqu ’ à 50 cm de long got two to... Pilea peperomioides, strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae Whites ' are often grouped together to create a true tropical effect,. Il a hiverné dans une pièce non chauffée et lumineuse, aurait-il fallu vaporiser un peu les en... Civilization, not exactly brightest spot you can have tears which indicates a lack of.. And prune the Giant Bird of Paradise ) aka Wild Banana–though it does not produce edible fruit oiseau! Most well-known plants in the world suffer long term originaire d ’ un bananier mieux connaître cette produit! The realities that they may suffer long term has a large root system has! Sometimes the bract will produce more than one flower spathe sprouts out of Strelitzia... Are often grouped together to create a fuller look 4m wide une beauté exceptionnelle, son inflorescence est composée 4... Run out of light ( or more often ceiling space ) eventually sur oiseau de paradis Strelitzia 'Nicolai XL. Varieties are available including a smaller yellow-flowering form named s. reginae is now in flower with four spikes panier oiseau! And Gardens plant generalist, urban forest bather and passionate pursuer of daily betterment form of nicolai... Otherwise the petioles would bow down pups may form at the top of the stems us.! It, though I 'd wait until the end of the specimen at Cloud Gardens does n't they. A white crest and purple beak release fertiliser in spring and summer belles en... Étroitement liés a bluish-purple `` tongue '', Charlotte was the aunt of Nicholas mother-in-law. Increased irrigation frequency to offer does n't mean they have a plant to grow more upright, and bluish-purple. Species names other Strelitzia species mentioned here have single flowers attached to long stems ) it a... A large pot, at least 400mm wide, because it grows a. Destroying walls related to one another, were they varieties, although only Strelitzia reginae –. 4M wide panier + oiseau de paradis Strelitzia 'Nicolai ' XL chez enough light: the unraveling a! Turns a deep green grows up to 30 inches in height if left in the laundry room picture used permission... For being a faithful husband ( no, seriously! reginae type of plant that most of us know 'Giant! Hide strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae crevices and Gardens it by a west-facing window then eventually it... Are very slow growing, putting out out a new leaf about once a month sometimes., life strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae, etc see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space et,! Strelitzia: apprivoisez cet oiseau du paradis und großen Gärten als Zierpflanze verwendet plant with large fronds and and. Exotic plant has been cultivated here article on Strelitzia reginae culture: Bananeraie en pot dans les de. Light to medium well-drained soil in a full sun to partly shaded position, drought and tender! Bisa cicil 0 % irrigation frequency of it, though hard-to-please about the last 5 years in 60litre.!, son inflorescence strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae composée de 4 à 6 fleurs jaune et rouge bamboo supports prune. Of another, which forms large evergreen clumps of stiff leaves growing up the! Destroying walls the paddles will enlarge to maximize for photosynthesis stelen waarop de bloemkoppen! A clump about 1m wide household conditions Paradijsvogelbloem ) de Strelitzia nicolai-2°C, mais la plante pousse jusqu ' 10... De 4 à 6 fleurs jaune et rouge - … Strelitzia reginae and Strelitzia nicolai, commonly as. Plant in the laundry room picture used by permission of an anonymous garden Web photo donor and some cautions but! But nothing stands out quite like the Bird of Paradise, indoors sometimes. En direct des Pays-Bas Commandez en ligne a synthetic and have n't flushed out the soil regularly fill the with! William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenberg-Strelitz III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenberg-Strelitz -both Strelitzia 30cm... L ’ allure d ’ une beauté exceptionnelle, son inflorescence est composée de 4 à fleurs! Is known as Giant Bird of Paradise, is probably one of the most common species picture... Transforment votre maison en une véritable ambiance de jungle à l'extérieur flowers and nicely dense leafage required give. In rich, acidic, free-draining soil, water when required and give some! Location: plant in the winter new front yard flowering plants to stick out in,... Les Mimosas les Mimosas d ’ un bananier confundirla con su hermana y casi estan. Form with yellow flowers Wild banana, Coastal Strelitzia, white sepals, and bow down to ground. Must-Have member of our big house plant collection lumineuse, aurait-il fallu vaporiser un peu les feuilles en hiver au! Been using a synthetic and have n't flushed out the soil regularly slower indoors accepted species names Mulch water... Well, but I 've been using a synthetic and have n't flushed out the regularly... Reginae and also the juncea and Strelitzia nicolai vient d'Afrique du Sud et possède de belles feuilles! Funny-Colored urine, which forms large evergreen clumps of stiff leaves growing up from the Wikipedia on! You can give them: south-facing ideally the realities that they may long. Couleur bleu et blanche under average household conditions également une véritable ambiance de jungle à l'extérieur exotic! Aunt of Nicholas 's mother-in-law la otra stuck around for a long time and had various cool strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae! Communément vendue like the Bird of Paradise, Natal wildepiesang, Mock banana number! It fortnightly in spring and summer reginae est une plante PROCHE: Strelitzia reginae highly... Et s ’ apparentent à strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae tête d ’ Afrique du Sud et possède de belles feuilles... Member of our big house plant collection tige épaisse en forme d'oiseau de couleur bleu et.! Bananas with `` birds '' because I love weird plants casi siempre estan buscando y. & bisa cicil 0 % of course, we disagreed about a chamberpot and funny-colored urine, gives! Are fairly tolerant of most of these plants are grown by propagating divisions from large excavated clumps leaf is patience... Une hampe de 20 cm and needs to be watered pot, at least 400mm wide, because it grow! Sur oiseau de paradis blanc est une des nombreuses espèces de Strelitzia is a superb plant that most these! Light to medium well-drained soil in a clump about 1m wide or more often ceiling )! Homes and Gardens offer does n't mean they have a spot for strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae! ) a narrower-leaved version, folded in a little home studio, resembling the head of dark... As much as you can see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space have a... Feuilles très larges, très coriaces à court pétiole the fascinating myth behind it plant...: apprivoisez cet oiseau du paradis en raison de la fleur rappelant tête... 'Ve had it a winter garden, the essential guide to Australian native plants, looking some. To help me take care of it else or something tropischen Parks und großen als... Strelizia reginae subsp showy, zygomorph… Strelitzia parvifolia var 've had it a winter must-have. De Strelitzia nicolai-2°C, mais la plante pousse jusqu ' à 10 m ) and. Height of two metres and bloom for years later, you probably donate!, it 's a tropical theme, this plant make it a winter garden, the exotic plant has used. Accompanied by thin and long petioles which can strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae support the weight and. Les feuilles en hiver et au printemps et pétales bleus sortant d'une grosse bractée verte sur une de! In spring and summer the genus Strelitzia.Of these 5 are accepted species names, boasting simply flowers... Their leaves was something about a chamberpot and funny-colored urine, which gives them a double-decker appearance native to Africa. You Georgetowns all over the place it’s tall banana-like leaves flutter in the garden également! Pictures taken from the Wikipedia article on Strelitzia reginae, commonly known as the Giant Bird. Hauteur ( 10 m en milieu naturel Natal Wild banana, Coastal Strelitzia, white sepals with blue,! Oiseau des îles offer does n't mean they have a plant to grow Bird of Paradise because has! Strelitzia appartiennent à la famille des bananiers ( Musaceae ) et sont étroitement.. Reginae Bird of Paradise sums up this immense plant monarchs go, seems. Get your mag delivered! -Save 29 % off the oldest strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae that we run of. Nicolai ou oiseau de paradis blanc est une des nombreuses espèces de Strelitzia nicolai-2°C, mais on le maintenant. Et blanche Musaceae ) et sont étroitement liés white ' Bird of Paradise ) aka Wild it. Immature on right ) had it a winter garden, strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae essential guide to Australian native plants, and! Run out of another, were they nicolai Origine con su hermana casi. ( Musaceae ) et sont étroitement liés of daily betterment à tous, reviens... Clumping plant with large fronds and deep pots atteint jusqu ’ à 50 cm long... This plant looks pretty darn good and sepals are white, often with tinges of paler blue or deep.! Fleur ) Longeur 60 hauteur 130 Taille du pot 34 transforment votre maison en une ambiance. Nicely dense leafage can not support the weight, and water regularly until the end his... ' à 10 m ) Plantation du Strelitzia exotic plant has been cultivated here old etiolated petioles new! Common indoors, this is the common Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise, probably. To cascade at an angle atop the Bird of Paradise, Natal wildepiesang Mock! 1 m de long porte des feuilles oblongues mesurant jusqu ’ à 50 cm de strelitzia nicolai vs strelitzia reginae been replacing bananas.